Up-grade of hospital wastewater treatment plant in Mombasa
Refurbishing/up-grade of an existing wastewater treatment plant for a hospital in Likoni (Mombassa) to achieve an effluent quality which can compies with national discharge/effleunt norms.
Project size: 20KLD, hospital wastewater.
Client: Médecins Sans Frontières Genéva.
Location: Mrima health centre in Likoni Mombasa, KENIA.
IWB Stöckacker Süd
The project owner, the real estate authority of the city of Bern, implemented the with the housing project “Stöckacker Süd” the first settlement in the city of Berne which complies with the “2’000W-standard” for sustainable buildings. For one of the 3 building blocks a decentralized wastewater (ww) treatment and reuse system, called “IWB Stöckacker Süd”, has been built as a pilot project for decentralized wastewater (ww) management in urban Switzerland. The aim of this plant is to enable research on new technologies and approaches in the field of reuse-oriented ww management for urban settlements under real-life conditions to gain knowledge and data for future eco-friendly and sustainable housing projects in Switzerland.
Project size: 15kLd, domestic wastewater.
Client: Immobilien Stadt Bern.
Location: Stöckacker Süd in Bern, SWITZERLAND.
Technical assessment of two wastewater treatment plants for hospitals in Afrika (Kenia and South Sudan)
Technical assessment of one hospital wastewater treatment plant in Likoni (KENIA) and one wastewater treatment plant for a hospital camp in Agok (SOUTH SUDAN). The aim of the assessment was to define the actual performance status of the two plants and to come up with recomendations for its improovement.
Client: Médecins Sans Frontières Genéva.
Location: Mrima health centre in Likoni Mombasa, KENIA. Agok hopital camp in SOUTH SUDAN.
Rhytm Realty Resort
New decentralized wastewater treatment plant for a new 5-star resort in the Lonavala Hills in Maharashtra. The plant treads the entire wastewater from hotel rooms, laundry, restaurant, bar and banquette hall. Treated effluent water is reused on the compound for irrigation purposes.
Project size: 50kLd, domestic wastewater.
Client/Project Partner: Rhythm Realty Pvt. Ltd.
Location: Lonavala state of Maharashtra; INDIA.
Lotus IT Park
Decentralized wastewater treatment plant for an office tower in Mumbai. The treatment plant is situated in the basement of the building, treating entire wastewater from the office building. The treatment plant is designed to comply with national/state discharge norms for discharge into surface water bodies.
Project size: 50KLD, ww from office building.
Client: Chemtronics India Ltd.
Location: Lowerparel Mumbai, INDIA.
Yakshshri Beverages
A small decentralized wastewater treament plant for wastewater from toilet of a beverage factory in Maharashtra. Treated effluent water can be used on the compound for irrigation of greenery, surplus is drained. The treatment plant is designed to comply with national/state discharge norms for discharge into surface water bodies.
Project size: 3.5KDL.
Client: Chemtronics India Ltd. (Yakshshri Beverages Ltd.).
Location: Outskisrts of Mumbai, INDIA.
Craftsmen Factory
Up-grade of an wastwater treatment plant for the Craftsman Automation factory. To improve the wastewater treatment plant to the level that it achieves an effluent quality which comlies with national discharge and reuse norms so that the treated wastewater can be used locally for gardening, toilet flushing and industrial processes.
Project size: 12KLD, industrial wastewater mixed with blackwater.
Client: Chemtronics India Ltd. (for Craftsmen Automation Ltd.).
Location: Outskirts of Mumbai; INDIA.
Chandra Ban Eco Resort: Decentralized wastewater treatment plant for a eco-resort on the nothern valley rim of Kathmandu. The plant is designed to enable on-site treatment of domestic wastewater from the resort with minimal requirement for operation and maintenance and to enable recycling of treated water for irrigation purposes on the compound.
Project size: 3.5KLD, domestic wastewater.
Client: Motherland Enrgy Group (for Chandra Ban Eco-Resort).
Location: Nothern Valley Rim of Kathmandu, NEPAL.
Community Led Infrastructure Finance Facility (CLIFF) program
Decentralized wastewater treatment systems for cluster of houses constructed under Community Led Infrastructure Finance Facility (CLIFF) programme. The aim of the CLIFF-program is to provide affordable houses for low income groups. Project management and implementation as well as engineering design of Biogas-Settler is done trough Autarks regional partner in Nepal the “Motherland Energy Group” from Kathmandu. Autark Engineering provided full enegineering design of High Rate Anaerobic Reactor Modules (ARB/AF).
Project size: 420 inhabitants, domestic wastewater.
Client: Motherland Energy Group Ltd. (for Lumanti Support Group for Shelter).
Location: Kaski district Chauthe – 4 VDC of Pokhara valley, NEPAL.
Kapal House
Decentralized wastewater treatment plant for a new office complex and residential building. Treated effluent water shall be used on the compound for irrigation of greenery, surplus is drained. The treatment plant is designed to comply with national/state discharge norms for discharge into surface water bodies.
Project size: 35KLD, domestic wastewater.
Client: Chemtronics India Ltd. (for ESSAR Ltd.).
Location: Mount Hagen City, PAPUA NEW GUINEA.
Kujang Town
Decentralized wastewater treatment plant for a cluster of houses in Kujang. Within the framework of technical consultancy for a water and sanitation project of German Agro Action (Deutsche Welthungerhilfe) PRK1055, Autark Engineering AG provided engineering design of Decentralized Wastewater Treatment System for Kujang-town. Domestic wastewater from a cluster of houses is conveyed through a simplified sewer network to an anaerobic treatment plant (High Rate Anaerobic Reactor System). The effluent water can be reused locally for irrigation and/or be drained to adjacent surface water-body (river).
Project size: 600 inhabitants, domestic wastewater.
Client: German Agro Action (Welthungerhilfe) EUPS4.
Location: Kujang, NORTH KOREA.